Pins and Aces Rewards

Step onto the green with our loyalty program. Earn points for every yard you cover with our top-tier golf gear.
How it Works
Sign Up
Create an account on our store
Earn Points
Rack up points with every purchase
Get Rewarded
Use your points to score discounts and get free products
Swing for more points
Earn points not just from purchases but by referring us, following us on social media, and more.
Redeem your points
Use your points for exclusive discounts on your next purchase.
Elevate Your Game
Enhance your standing within the Pins and Aces community, enjoying special perks.
Jack of Spades Start here
Queen of Spades Reach 500 points
King of Spades Reach 2,000 points
Ace of Spades Reach 5,000 points
Royal Flush Reach 10,000 points
Choose to spend your points on the following: 11111
Vouchers off your next purchase! 11111
Pins and Aces Ball Marker 1111
Driver Headcover 11
Pins and Aces Hoodie 11
Pins and Aces Polo 11
Pins and Aces Embroidered Golf Bag 1


Jack of Spades

Start here

1 point per $1


    Queen of Spades

    Reach 500 points

    1 point per $1

    • Choose to spend your points on the following:
    • Vouchers off your next purchase!
    • Free Pins and Aces Ball Marker


    King of Spades

    Reach 2,000 points

    2 points per $1

    • Choose to spend your points on the following:
    • Vouchers off your next purchase!
    • Free Pins and Aces Hat


    Ace of Spades

    Reach 5,000 points

    2 points per $1

    • Choose to spend your points on the following:
    • Vouchers off your next purchase!
    • Free Driver Headcover
    • Early Access to New Drops


    Royal Flush

    Reach 10,000 points

    2 points per $1

    • Choose to spend your points on the following:
    • Vouchers off your next purchase!
    • Free Pins and Aces Polo
    • Early Access to New Drops


    Simply sign up to create your account and start earning rewards!

    Earn points by signing up, making purchases, and more! Check out the “Swing for more points” section for details.

    Log in, visit your dashboard, and select the “Redeem your points” section to redeem your points for rewards.

    Points will expire after one year if there isn't any account activity.

    Rewards will not expire after the rewards are activated in the account.

    If you return a purchase, the points you earned for that purchase will be deducted from your account.